10 Reasons Why Mitt Romney And Donald Trump Are Now Best Friends Forever

“So, umm, are we going to do this fundraiser at your place or mine?”

1)  They both like firing people.

2)  If anyone is ever going to do something about Trump’s hair, Romney is the best person to do it.

3)  They have a lot of things to share about bankruptcies.

4)  Mitt wants to hang out with the cool guys and celebrities, and Donald was the coolest of the three people willing to to hang out with Mitt.  Seriously, even Octomom, Casey Anthony, and George W. Bush have told Mitt they had to wash their hair.

5)  Romney wants to get a spot in Trump’s “The Apprentice”.

6)  Trump’s vote represents yet another vote for Romney (unless NBC films “The Apprentice” on November 6)

7)  Romney and Trump had bonded over their investment losses in the Facebook IPO.  Or, as they refer to it, became friends on Facebook.

8)  Compared to Trump, Romney does actually look like a reasonable moderate.

9)  Mitt thinks that Donald is a perfect representation of the average American.  Also, Donald Trump is the embodiment of the American Dream: after all, he had lost everything but pulled himself up by his hair.

10)  By sucking up to Donald Trump, Mitt Romney wants to keep Donald obsessing about Obama’s birth certificates, and not caring about Romney’s birth certificate.

And Romney better keep Trump away from his birth certificate: check out this article explaining why Mitt Romney birth certificate is a fake.

About List of X

An Ostensibly Funny Commentary* of the Recent News and Events. (* warning! may not actually be funny or a commentary. Also, since I am not quite sure what "ostensibly" means, it might not be "ostensibly" either.) Blogging at listofx.com
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6 Responses to 10 Reasons Why Mitt Romney And Donald Trump Are Now Best Friends Forever

  1. Matthew says:

    How awesome would it be to see a special season of The Apprentice with contestants culled from the Republican primaries? Or was that what actually went on?


  2. Ape No. 1 says:

    As well as both drawing pleasure from firing people I think they may also both draw pleasure from firing at people…


  3. Pingback: Mitt Romney, Natural Born Citizenship, and Media Bias (2x Updated) « CITIZEN.BLOGGER.1984+ GUNNY.G BLOG.EMAIL

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