10 Arguments Against Getting A Covid-19 Vaccine

Joe Biden is getting a COVID-19 vaccine shot into what is obviously a fake arm.

Once again, case counts for Covid-19 are rising, and although vaccines are widely available, a significant number of Americans are still refusing to get vaccinated. Although Biden administration, Tony Fauci, and a bunch of elitist doctors (like, what do they even know about medicining???) are trying to make us get vaccinated, there are plenty of legitimate arguments against getting the shot. Here are just some of them:

1)  “Donald Trump deserves the full credit for Covid-19 vaccines, and everyone knows that anything that Donald Trump deserves the full credit for – like Trump University, Trump casinos, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Presidency, and so on – is complete and utter crap.”

2)  “I am an introvert and I like it when everything is locked down and people stay away 6 feet from each other.”

3)  “I don’t trust the semi-approved, semi-tested vaccine made in America and would rather take my chances with totally unapproved and untested virus made in China.”

4)  “What about the long term effects? Like, really long term?  For example, I heard that the sun might explode in a billion years if we all get vaccinated.”

5)  “I don’t need a vaccine because I believe that God will protect me from the China Virus and at the same time I believe God isn’t powerful enough to protect me from the vaccine side effects.”

6)  “I am opposed to this socialist tyranny that requires everyone to get vaccinated. I think we will be safe when we reach herd immunity, and I think that other people should do all the work and take all the risks to get there while I do nothing and still get to reap the benefits of herd immunity, because that’s totally not socialist at all.”

7)  “None of the vaccines have received a full FDA approval, and I believe the government enough to get the vaccine that has a full approval from the government but not enough to get the vaccine that has an an emergency use approval from the same government.”

8)  “I don’t want to be a lab rat testing some sketchy drug in an experiment. I want to be a lab rat in the control group of the same experiment.”

9)  “Covid19 is not that deadly if you are young and healthy, and we all should be prepared to handle a small risk and remember that life isn’t 100% safe. So why should I take a vaccine that’s less than 100% safe?”

10)  “I have a medical condition that prevents me from getting a vaccine, wearing a mask, putting two and two together, and walking and chewing at the same time.”

About List of X

An Ostensibly Funny Commentary* of the Recent News and Events. (* warning! may not actually be funny or a commentary. Also, since I am not quite sure what "ostensibly" means, it might not be "ostensibly" either.) Blogging at listofx.com
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28 Responses to 10 Arguments Against Getting A Covid-19 Vaccine

  1. honestly, I’m all for #2. But #7 is my favorite for explaining the morons out there.


  2. Jim Wheeler says:

    X, you have covered the ground very well! I like #5 best.


  3. Jim Wheeler says:

    Reblogged this on Still Skeptical After All These Years and commented:
    X has covered the ground very well in this analysis!!


  4. Pied Type says:

    I kinda like #5 too. It’s classic reasoning in some segments of the population.


  5. Dr. Rex says:

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    I know!! I live in FloriDUH!! … “Although Biden administration, Tony Fauci, and a bunch of elitist doctors (like, what do they even know about medicining???) are trying to make us get vaccinated, there are plenty of legitimate arguments against getting the shot. “


  6. Anonymous says:

    Love it! Totally awesome! I wish it could move the needle !


  7. Maybe one more: “You want me to get vaccinated for $ 100? That is real cheap. Let me know when the reward is at least in six figures”.


  8. Steve Ruis says:

    Brilliant! Best 10 Best list of all time. I kept reading thinking “Oh, this one is the best …” until I read the next one. Effing brilliant, my friend!


  9. You are irresponsible and dangerous for recommending a vaccine which hasn’t undergone long term safety trials and for which the manufacturers are exempted from liability.

    Liked by 1 person

    • List of X says:

      You’re right, these vaccines have only been tested on barely four billion people, and for barely a year. And we already know that 100 years from now, 99% of those who are vaccinated will be dead.


  10. ragnarsbhut says:

    I wish that politicians would shut up about vaccine mandates.


  11. ragnarsbhut says:

    “My body, my choice” is the only argument necessary to end this debate.


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