10 Reasons Why Senator John McCain Snuck Into Syria

John McCain

Senator McCain had forgotten to bring his nametag to the meeting with Syrian rebels and had had to improvise. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

According to news reports, this weekend Senator John McCain made a clandestine visit to Syria and met with representatives of Free Syrian Army, one of the rebel factions fighting the regime of Bashar Al-Assad.  This development had raised a few eyebrows, because normally Senator McCain spends his weekends on the Sunday talk shows.  Here are 10 possible reasons why John McCain visited Syria.

1)  McCain decided to travel to Syria in order to investigate the Benghazi consulate attack in the very place where it had happened.

2)  Since Assad is expected to be out of power soon, John McCain is testing the grounds for a presidential run there, before Mitt Romney beats him to it.

3)  Because Free Syrian Army is engaged in an armed rebellion against a tyrannical dictator, McCain met with rebel fighters to pick up their advice to use at home later.

4)  Old age senility had finally set in, and for the last few weeks McCain has been acting under the impression that he became the President after 2008 elections.

5)  After weeks of non-stop partisan fighting in the Senate, McCain wanted to get to get away someplace quiet.

6)  He came to tell the Islamic Syrian rebels that Republican Party understands their concerns and will remain steadfast in its opposition to Barack Obama’s agenda of instituting worldwide Sharia law.

7)  American Airlines’ frequent flyer program has been redesigned once again, and added the restriction that allows accumulated miles to be used only to buy flights to Syria.

8)  McCain wanted to provide encouragement to Syrian rebels fighting for the noblest of the causes – making Syrian government smaller.

9)  John McCain is sick of bloodshed in Syria, and he came to establish the framework for a peaceful solution by teaching the rebels how to peacefully paralyze Assad’s government by filibuster.

10)  McCain met with Al-Qaeda representatives to discuss their complaints that IRS keeps delaying approval on their tax-exempt status application.

About List of X

An Ostensibly Funny Commentary* of the Recent News and Events. (* warning! may not actually be funny or a commentary. Also, since I am not quite sure what "ostensibly" means, it might not be "ostensibly" either.) Blogging at listofx.com
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35 Responses to 10 Reasons Why Senator John McCain Snuck Into Syria

  1. stephenpruis says:

    You don’t think he was looking for some of the money Apple has squirreled away?


  2. Jueseppi B. says:

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat.Com™ and commented:
    I am hoping they Syrian people decide to adopt him & keep him. Forever. Infinity & 1 day.


  3. john zande says:

    Forever shall his name be tied to $arah


  4. Maybe he thought Bush Jr had missed Syria when he was busy pissing off other nations for 8 years, so decided to help out. Romney already made sure Britain still hates us, so he did his part.


  5. Elyse says:

    He and Cindy-Lou-Who hadn’t yet purchased a house there. Perhaps they’ll stay? Please, please please.


  6. bernasvibe says:

    Well, repugnicans sure know how to be UNloyal to our countries citizens & each other..In a tweet McCain’s so called ally @ Lindsey Graham make a joke & said if he didn’t make it back; he was calling dibs on his position in Arizona. Tongue-in-cheeky enough or what? I’m just about sick & tyeeed of the 3 ring circus that McCain is. Reminds me of an old , crusty roach that just refuses to DIE..not that I’m wishing death on him ..but I’m just saying


    • List of X says:

      Graham probably wasn’t really joking: from what I hear, he’s probably not going to survive his state primary. And McCain… I wonder if he specifically picked Memorial Day weekend to try to get us involved into another war. (“lets honor our dead by making more of them”)


  7. Laura says:

    He probably just wanted to revive his image as a maverick.


  8. Sherry says:

    well done!


  9. mairedubhtx says:

    Good job. I was wondering about the REAL reasons McCain went to Syria.


  10. I am going with you on the senility thing. Sometimes old people just wander off. They should sew his name and address inside his underwear.


  11. Pingback: McCain enters Syria illegally — State of Globe

  12. Pingback: McCain confident he can identify ‘good guys’ in Syria | sambhalkezabaan

  13. Pingback: Moscow remembers Charlie Wilson’s War, by Melkulangara K. Bhadrakumar — State of Globe

  14. The Hook says:

    You may be the smartest blogger on the WordPress planet, my friend.
    Terrific job!


    • List of X says:

      Thank you – but I seriously doubt I’m the smartest. The only things I have going for me is my preoccupation with topics most people consider boring, and maybe some detective skills 🙂


  15. >> well, there may be intensifying pressure, but i don’t think the president necessarily wants to move, certainly not unilaterally. all the talk is about who else is involved. there is greater pressure about arming syrian rebels. the question is, which ones? john mccain and other republicans in congress have been wary of some of the fishers in that opposition in syria . who do you trust, who don’t you trust, who is a legitimate opposition force to assad, who is, of course, the particular tater in syria . right now i think what richard just said, the fact that the e.u. might be sending arms there, a better sign for the administration that wants diplomacy and get other countries involved than just the pressure on the united states .


  16. >> well, there may be intensifying pressure, but i don’t think the president necessarily wants to move, certainly not unilaterally. all the talk is about who else is involved. there is greater pressure about arming syrian rebels. the question is, which ones? john mccain and other republicans in congress have been wary of some of the fishers in that opposition in syria . who do you trust, who don’t you trust, who is a legitimate opposition force to assad, who is, of course, the particular tater in syria . right now i think what richard just said, the fact that the e.u. might be sending arms there, a better sign for the administration that wants diplomacy and get other countries involved than just the pressure on the united states .


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